Saturday 9 March 2013


So last Thursday I had conformation that the wieners at the youth council had rejected our application for funding on the pole-jam. Apparently they didn’t think the use of the application was going to reach enough people and that it lacked an in-depth description of what a pole-jam is and how it is used.

Forgive me for my ignorance but I think that even if I had taken the timeout to explain the intricacies of how skateboarders enjoy riding over bent poles, the pre-pubescent future conservative MPs would still rather give their hard-argued cash to kids who parent are base heads or windows 98 laptops for some young writers group to pen morrissey-esq poems.

HOWEVER after a bit of string pulling, case making and general threatening I had it confirmed mid-week that the council have found budget to support the pole-jam. RESULT.
At this stage I'm just awaiting confirmation that they have sourced the funds so I can go back to FreeStyle and talk installation dates etc.

This leaves us with the big question, where ya'll wan the fucking thing to go?

In my mind there are 2 options. . .

Slap bang in the middle of the flat (in the space between the rails and the block)
Pros: lots of space to skate it, straight run up, should stop the scooter kids from loitering in the space before launching themselves into a homosexual frenzy over the spine.
Cons: another obstacle in a good space for games of skate etc.

Some where round the back of the 2ft quarter in line with the block
Pros: lines would look crazy rad and we get to keep the s.k.a.t.e-zone obstacle free
Cons: no straight run up, doesn’t get in the way of the scooter kids.

I'll keep everyone updated on the progress but in the meantime if people could holla at me with their thoughts it would be much appreciated.


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